If your certification is current and you would like to renew your CFP® certification with FPSB Ltd. for another year, please use the link below*. You will be redirected to payment page where you must indicate that you have completed your continuing professional development (CPD) requirement; attest to your ethical and professional behavior during the certification period; and pay a CFP certification renewal fee^ to FPSB Ltd.
Please note, CFP professionals must renew their certification on a periodic basis, and toward the criteria of renewal they must complete and report 15 Continuing Education points on a per annum basis prior to such renewal becomes due. In addition, CFP professionals who wish to renew their existing RIA license under the SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations 2013 must, in accordance with NISM accreditation criteria, pass all three pathway exams and the CFP certification exam again, or the NISM Investment Adviser Exam prior to such renewal becomes due but at least once every three years.
*If your CFP certification is expired, please contact [email protected] to discuss how to proceed with renewing your certification.
^CFP certification/document processing fees are not refundable.